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What is the Dark Web Used For

Copy Protection Copy Protection By News Paper Khabrii

Social engineering is an effective tool that is cleverly used to trick and deceive people

This article wants to explain what the Dark Web is and how bad people use tricks to do bad things on the internet.

Breaking down the text into simple terms: 

Understanding the Dark Web Simpler version: What is the Dark Web Used For

The Dark Web is a hidden part of the internet that operates on encrypted networks. It allows users to stay anonymous. It is important to understand the difference between the Dark Web and the Deep Web. The Deep Web refers to parts of the internet that are not indexed by search engines but can still be accessed with regular web browsers. The Dark Web is different because it needs special tools and settings to get to its secret websites.

Social engineering is the act of tricking or manipulating people to gain access to confidential information or perform actions they normally wouldn't. It involves using deception and psychological manipulation to exploit human weaknesses.

Social engineering is when bad people trick others into giving out secret information or doing things that are not safe. It uses people's feelings like trust, curiosity, and fear to control them. By taking advantage of these weaknesses, hackers can get into systems without permission, take people's identities, or do other bad things.

There are different ways people trick others into giving them information or doing things they want. This is called social engineering attacks.

Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into revealing your personal information, like passwords or credit card numbers, by impersonating a reputable company or individual through emails or websites.

Phishing is a very common trick used by hackers to fool people. This involves sending fake emails or messages that look real, fooling people into clicking on harmful links, opening infected files, or sharing private information. To trick people, these scams often pretend to be trusted organizations like banks, social media sites, or popular websites.

Pretexting is when someone pretends to be someone else in order to deceive or trick someone into giving them information or access to something.

Pretexting means making up a fake situation to trick people into telling important information. The person who does the attacking pretends to be someone they are not, often acting like someone important or trustworthy, and uses that false identity to gain the trust of the person they want to trick. By making the victim trust them, the attacker is able to get the victim to share personal or secret information willingly.

READ ALSO: Difference between Deep Web and Dark Web

Baiting means using something attractive or tempting to lure or trick someone into doing something.

Baiting is a type of trick that takes advantage of people's curiosity or desire for money. Attackers try to trick people by giving them things they want, like free stuff, prizes, or special things. These attractive offers often come with harmful software or other dangerous things that can harm the person's security once they are clicked on or opened.


Tailgating, also known as piggybacking, means going into a place you're not supposed to be by following someone who has permission to be there. This method depends on taking advantage of people who are kind or not paying enough attention. The attacker counts on people being nice or not noticing in order to get inside.

The Dark Web is a place where social engineering attacks are planned and carried out. The fact that it is anonymous and has a place to trade illegal things and services makes cybercriminals interested in taking advantage of people who are not aware. On the Dark Web, bad people can find guides to learn how to hack, buy or sell hacking tools and personal information, and even pay for professionals to help them with targeted attacks.

One way social engineering happens on the Dark Web is through selling "fullz. " Fullz are sets of all personal information about someone, which can be used to steal their identity. This information is commonly gathered from hacking into systems or other illegal methods and then put together and sold to people who are interested in buying it.

Be cautious about unexpected messages

Be careful when you receive emails, messages, or phone calls from people you don't know. Before you share any personal information or sensitive data, make sure to check if the requests are genuine or real.

Learn about the ways people deceive others online.

Learn about different social engineering attacks and the warning signs to be aware of. This knowledge is important for both you and your employees. Being aware is important for realizing and stopping such attacks.

Use multiple ways to verify who you are when logging in.

Use MFA whenever you can, because it adds extra security by making you verify yourself in multiple ways before you can access important accounts or systems.

Make sure to frequently update and fix any issues with software.

Make sure to regularly update your computer's operating systems, applications, and antivirus software. This will help to reduce the chances of being targeted by social engineering attacks.

Train employees on cybersecurity best practices

Train employees regularly on cybersecurity to teach them about tricks used by hackers and how to recognize and handle possible dangers.


In the secret parts of the internet, bad people use tricks to control and fool people who don't know any better. Their methods use the weaknesses of people and take advantage of our belief, interest, and worry.By learning how bad people try to trick us, staying updated, and using strong security measures, we can protect ourselves from the risks of the internet. Don't forget, being watchful and aware are the best ways to protect ourselves from social engineering attacks.

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